

Dear students, I am an English major student in International College of Guangxi University. I am conducting a questionnaire survey on the effect of the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative" on international education in Chinese universities. As a foreign student in China, your Suggestions will be of great significance to our research. We hope to complete this investigation smoothly with your help. There is no right or wrong answer, please spare your precious time to fill in this questionnaire. This questionnaire is anonymous and only for academic research. I promise to keep your information confidential. Please feel free to reply. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

您的性别 Your Gender 
男 Male
女 Female
您的年级 Your Grade
大一 Freshman
大二 Sophomore
大三 Junior
大四 Senior
研究生 Postgraduate
What do you know about the "The Belt and Road" Initiative?

一点也不了解 I dont know anything about it
只是听说,具体有什么样的政策并不了解 I just heard but I dont know the specific policy
认为自己比较熟悉该倡议 I know a lot about it
How do you know about "the Belt and Road" Initiative ?
亲朋好友 From your friends or relatives
课堂 From Chinese classes
课本 From textbooks
微信朋友圈或上网 From Wechat or Internet
新闻和媒体 From newspaper or media
其他方式 Others
What impact do you think this initiative has on international education in China?
来华留学生不断增加 More overseas students come to China to study
中国国际教育不断发展 Chinas international education continues to develop
竞争压力变大,留学生压力大 The pressure of competition on overseas students is increasing
没有什么实际变化 No real change
"The Belt and Road" Initiative brings a lot of benefits to you and your country. 
非常赞同 Strongly Agree
赞同 Agree
中立 Neutral
不赞同 Disagree
非常不赞同 Strongly Disagree
"The Belt and Road" Initiative has promoted the development of international education in China. You can feel that your school is attaching more and more importance to the work of overseas students

非常赞同 Strongly Agree
赞同 Agree
中立 Neutral
不赞同 Disagree
非常不赞同 Strongly Disagree
More and more foreign students are getting scholarships from the Chinese government to study in China.

是的 Yes
不是 No
我不知道 I dont know
The "Belt and One Road" Initiative promotes international educational exchanges between China and Thailand and is of great significance.
非常赞同 Strongly Agree
赞同 Agree
中立 Neutral
不赞同 Disagree
非常不赞同 Strongly Disagree
Do you support the development of The Belt and One Road Initiative?

Yes 支持
No 不支持
中立 Neutral
After graduation, will you stay in China to develop or engage in work related to promoting China-Thailand exchanges?

会 Yes
不会 No
还不知道 I dont know yet
Your Suggestions for developing international education in China


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