Dirac brand values 品牌价值调研

Our values must be authentic and true-so there will be a “legacy” element-but they should set out how the organization wants to behave going forward rather than just reflect “how things have always been done”. They also need to be actionable and directional. 
 At the recent Senior leadership workshop, we discussed values quickly and identified some potential starting points, but these should not limit our thinking. 

The values that were selected were 我们选择了以下价值关键词用以探讨, 
 We like to get it done我们乐于完成使命 
 Continuous improvement持续改进 
 Dedication奉献精神 
 Authenticity真实性 
 Leadership领导力 
 Boldness勇于向前 
 Customer value first顾客价值第一 
 Genuine expertise真正的专业知识 
 Strive to be the best努力做到最好 
 Passion for sound对声音的热爱 

Please answer the following questions with the above in mind, don’t think too much about precise wording-at the moment we really need your ideas, rather than word-smithed copy. Answers need to be completed by Monday 16th September, thank you! 
What do we believe is important about how we need to work in Dirac-values that well influence our decisions, help set our priorities, be part of how we expect everyone to behave? 
For the 3-5 values that you feel are most important, is there a way of explaining of qualifying them to make them mean more within a Dirac context? Or a specific example of something that happened-or should have happened-where that value was important? For example, a value like “Dedication” doesn’t mean much on its own, but within the context of a specific example it can come to live.

We like to get it done我们乐于完成使命
Continuous improvement持续改进
Customer value first顾客价值第一
Genuine expertise真正的专业知识
Strive to be the best努力做到最好
Passion for sound对声音的热爱
Any further thoughts? 欢迎任何更多品牌价值的探讨

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