万圣节最恐怖电影投票Voted for the scariest Halloween movies

Please choose two films that you want to see on Halloween.
请选择以下选项 (多选)
闪灵 The Shining (1980) 豆瓣评分8.2
孤儿怨 Orphan (2009) 豆瓣评分8.1
万能钥匙 The Skeleton Key (2005) 豆瓣评分7.9
死神来了 Final Destination (2000) 豆瓣评分7.8
招魂 The Conjuring (2013) 豆瓣评分7.8
鬼影 ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ (2004) 豆瓣评分7.7
寂静岭 Silent Hill (2006) 豆瓣评分7.6
死寂 Dead Silence (2007) 豆瓣评分7.6
潜伏 Insidious (2010) 豆瓣评分7.7
Other film you would like to recommend.

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