丹麦商务邀请函-VF2 form for Schengen

Auction 拍卖会
February 2020( 2月10日-17日)
April 2020:(4月21日 - 28日)
June 2020:(6月22日 - 7月1日)
September 2020(9月1日- 10日)
Broker 经纪人或经纪公司
Buyer No. 买家号
Passport 请上传护照
First name 名
Surname 姓氏
Date of birth, dd-mm-yyyy 出生日期 日-月-年
Gender 性别
M 男
F 女
Nationality 国籍
Telephone No. 手机号码
E-mail 电子邮箱
Passport No. 护照号码
Passport valid to date 护照有效期至
Company name 公司名称
Company address 公司地址
Zip Code 邮政编码(公司)
City 城市(公司)
Country 国家(公司)
Telephone No. 公司电话
E-mail 公司邮箱
Home page 公司主页(非必填)
In which branch of the company is the applicant employed and in which capability?申请人受雇于公司的哪一部门,并具有哪些主要职责?
Has your company previously been visited by the applicant? 申请人是否拜访过哥本哈根皮草
Yes 是
No 否
If YES - When and with what purpose? 如果是,何时何目的拜访哥本哈根皮草?
How many days are you expecting the applicant?申请人预计在申根国家停留几天?
How many times do the applicant plan to visit Kopenhagen Fur? The first time customers is “one time entry”. Second time it is “two time entry” and after that it is "multiple entry", but the embassy then will decide if the customer can get 1 year or three year entry. 申请人计划申请的签证次数?第一次申请的客户请填写“一次往返“, 第二次申请的客户请填写”两次往返“,三次及三次以上申请的客户请填写”多次往返“, 但具体出签情况最终由使馆决定。
When is the applicant to arrive Schengen? 申请人什么时候到达申根国家?
When is the applicant to leave Schengen? 申请人什么时候离开申根国家?
What is the purpose of the visit? - describe the business relation and the purpose of this specific visit 此次行程的目的是什么?-描述业务关系和此次访问的目的
How did the applicant get in contact with Kopenhagen Fur? 申请人如何与哥本哈根皮草取得联系?
推荐回答”by broker” 和/或 “is buying skins from Kopenhagen Fur“ 
Are there any special circumstances to be taken into account concerning the visit?关于这次访问,有什么特殊情况需要考虑吗?
Where will the applicant be staying during the visit? 行程期间申请人将住在哪里?
Business license 请上传营业执照以备查验

33题 | 被引用0次
