私人定制旅游的市场调研Market Research on Private Customized Tourism


私人定制旅游,是指旅游企业根据个人的特定需求来进行产品组合,完全为旅游者量身定制, "一对一"专属私人服务,一人即可成团,专车专导。可简单分为部分定制和全程定制两种。

Dear Madam / Sir, This is a questionnaire survey on the awareness of private customized travel. As our company recently launched a new type of travel strategy, in order to better understand your needs, we will create the best travel strategy for you Questionnaire. Sincerely hope that you can fill it out carefully. The questionnaire takes about 5-10 minutes. Thank you for your cooperation!
Private customized tourism means that the tourism company carries out product portfolios according to the specific needs of individuals, and is completely tailor-made for tourists. "One-on-one" exclusive private services, one person can form a group, with a dedicated car guide It can be simply divided into partial customization and full customization.
您的性别?What is your gender?
男 Male
女 Female
您的年龄?What is your age range?
18岁及以下 18 and below18
19-28岁 19-28 years old
29-38岁 29-38 years old
39-48岁39-48 years old
49-58岁49-58years old
59岁以上more then59 years old
3.您多久出行一次旅游?How often do you travel?
从未 Never
一周Once a week
半个月Half a month
一个月Once a month
三个月Once every three months
一年Once a year
一年以上More than a year
您经常采用的旅游方式?What is your usual way of travel?
跟团游 Group tour
自助游 Self-guided tour
定制旅游 Custom Tour
其他 other
Do you know or have heard of private custom tours?
体验过定制旅游产品 Experienced customized travel
有所了解 know
听说过 heard about it
完全不了解 do not know
How did you hear about custom tours?
本问卷This questionnaire
朋友介绍 Friend introduction
网站、社交软件等宣传 Website, social media, etc
旅行社广告 Travel agency advertising
报刊书籍 Newspapers and Books
其他 other
您愿意参加定制旅游吗?Would you like to participate in a custom tour?
愿意 Yes
不愿意 No
If you are unwilling to choose a customized form of travel, what are the reasons?
定制旅游费用高,属高端旅游,不符合大众需求 Customized tourism is expensive and belongs to high-end tourism, which does not meet the needs of the public
希望行程自主安排,自由行足矣 It is hoped that the itinerary can be arranged independently and freely enough
担心无法达到期望值 Worried about not meeting expectations
其他 other
 If you are going to choose a customized way of travel, what do you think attracts you? 
自己无需花太多时间做攻略,方便You do n’t need to spend too much time on the guide, it ’s convenient
行程的私密性 The privacy of the trip
对顾客体验的重视 Emphasis on customer experience
路线景点按照个人喜好安排 Route attractions are arranged according to personal preferences
行程节奏可自行掌握 You can master the pace of the trip
私人导游服务更加全面 Private tour guide service is more comprehensive
旅行设计更加个性化 More personalized travel design
旅行体验更加丰富 A richer travel experience
高端化 High-end
其他 other
Please evaluate the factors of the following customized tourism programs according to their importance
非常重要Very important 重要Important 比较重要Medium 不重要Not important 完全不重要Completely unimportant
线路和景点 Routes and attractions
餐饮水平 Catering level
住宿水平 Provide level
导游服务 Tour guide service
管家服务 Butler service
价格水平 Price level
交通,签证 Transportation, visa
安全问题 safe question
个性化程度 Degree of personalization
What is your favorite form of private custom tour?
主题定制 Theme customization
完全的C2B定制:提出需求与商家直接对接 Full C2B customization: direct demand to connect with merchants
团体私人定制 Group private customization
个人私人定制 Personal customization
What's your biggest concern about customized travel services? 
价格可能偏高 Prices may be high
餐饮和住宿是否满意 Satisfaction with food and accommodation
设计的旅游路线是否满意 Whether the designed tourist route is satisfactory
其他 other
If you implement customization through a web platform, what aspects do you value more? 
信息提供的真实性 Authenticity of information provided
实际配套服务的质量保证 Quality assurance of actual supporting services
专业客服的指导 Professional customer service guidance
商家的可信度 Business credibility
操作的简便性 Ease of operation
其他 other
What is your favorite travel product booking platform:
旅游APP Travel app
旅游官方网站 Official Tourism Website
旅游微信公众号 Tourism WeChat public account
其他 other
What is the highest price you can accept for a custom tour?
和普通组团游价格相似Similar to regular group tours
行程实际消费以外,加收5%-10%的服务费In addition to the actual consumption of the trip, a service fee of 5% -10% will be added
行程实际消费以外,加收10%-15%的服务费In addition to the actual consumption of the itinerary, a 10% -15% service charge will be added
行程实际消费以外,加收15%-20%的服务费In addition to the actual consumption of the itinerary, an additional 15% -20% service fee will be charged
视目的地和行程安排而定,感兴趣的行程可以适当高价Depending on destination and itinerary, itineraries of interest can be moderately expensive

15题 | 被引用2次
