
Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer these questions, Let's get started right away !
姓名(Full name)
证件号码(Identification Number)
联系电话(Contact number)
14天内国外旅居地(Which country have you been to 14 days prior to your entry to China?)
本市常住地(村居、小区)(Permanent residence of this City)
地址    ____________
经度    ____________
纬度    ____________
境内联系人(Name of Emergency Contact)
境内联系人电话(Mobile of Emergency Contact)
人员类别(Personnel category)
常住在辖区内的外国友人(Foreigners resided permanently within the area under jurisdiction)
有近期国外旅行史常住辖区的中国籍人员(Chinese people with recent foreign travel history and permanent residence)
已在国外工作的中国籍员工(Chinese employees working abroad)
在国外学习的辖区学生(Local students studying abroad)
填报人及联系电话(Preparer and contact number)
填报人(Preparer)    ____________
联系电话(contact number)    ____________

11题 | 被引用1018次
