海外客服人员办公情况调研Questionnaire on Working Situation of Overseas Customer Service Staff

感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题,现在我们就马上开始吧!Thank you for taking a few minutes to participate in this questionnaire. let's start right now.
您所在分公司客服目前办公状况?What is the current working status of CS staff in your branch?
公司办公work in branch office
居家办公work at home
休假 on holiday
其他 others
您所在分公司客服目前是否可以远程(电话、社交软件)解答顾客咨询?Is it possible for your branch CS staff to answer customer inquiries remotely (via phone/social software) at present?
是 Yes
否(请说明原因) No (please briefly explain it.)
您所在分公司目前每天可以提供服务的客服人数?How many CS staff in your branch can provide service every day?
0人 None
1-3人 1-3 persons
3人以上 more than 3 persons
目前您所在分公司客服人员的工作时间。What’s the working time of the CS staff in your branch at present?
简单描述目前您所在分公司客服人员能够提供的客服业务。Briefly describe what kinds of CS business that the CS staff in your branch can provide at present.
需要总部客服提供什么支持?What kind of support do you need from CS of the headquarters?
您的姓名及所属分公司your name and branch

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