关于流浪动物形成的原因与如何改善问卷调查The Online Survey of Stray Animals In Urban China

请问您的年龄是? How old are you? 
18 岁以下Under 18
40岁以上/Above 40
请问您的性别是? What's your gender?
男 Male
女 Female
What/s your occupation?
学生 Student
上班族Full-time worker
自由职业 Freelance
全职妈妈/爸爸 Full-time mum/dad
退休 Retired
Do you have a pet?
有 / Yes
No / 没有
How did you get your pet? 
领养流浪 Adopting stray animals
从他人处领养 Adopting from other acquaintance
宠物店购买 Purchasing from pet shops
捡到 Picking up by self
你在养宠物前有考虑过自己的条件是否适合养宠物吗? Before having a pet would you consider if your self-conditions are suited to foster a pet?
有 / Yes
没有 / No
Before you decide to get a pet, have you ever consider or do any pre-work about how to foster your pet?
会 / Yes
不会 / No
您是从哪里或什么平台得到这些信息的?( 多选题)
Where/ Which platforms you get these information?  Multiples Choice
网上 On the internet
有养宠物经验的朋友 From friends who have experiences
医生 From veterinarians
有关平台 From related platforms
平台名字The name of platforms
Have you ever lost your pet before?
有 / Yes
没有 / No

您认为您丢失宠物的主要原因?( 多选题)

What's the key factors leading to the loss of your pet? Multiples Choice
疏于照顾 Neglect of caring
盗窃行为 Pets theft
缺乏平日的管教 Lack of training to pets
缺乏对不同宠物习性的了解 Lack of understanding to pets behaviour


Would you like to get a pet by adoption?

有 / Yes
没有 / No

您在收养宠物前会考虑什么因素? (多选题)

What would you consider before adopt a pet? (Mutilples Choice)


自身条件 (经济条件,家庭情况等Self conditions (Economic conditions/ Family acceptance)
品种,品相,血统 Breed, appearance, lineage
健康状况 Health condition
宠物的年龄 Age

你知道任何渠道可以领养宠物吗? 如果有请写下是通过什么渠道

Do you know any channel or way to adopt? If yes, where is from please write down your answer

有 / Yes


Have you ever see any post about adoptions promoted on social media? If YES please write down which platform 

有 / Yes

什么因素让你不愿意去领养一个宠物? 请回答

What factors influence you are not willing to adopting a pet?


在您所在的区域,您有常看见流浪动物吗? 经常看见吗

your community, have you often see stray animal around you? How often?

经常看见 Often
偶尔看见 Sometimes
极少看见 Rarely
没怎么遇到过 Hardly meet



What the aspects of problems led by stray animals you found in your community? Multiples Choice

卫生安全 Hygienic security
攻击他人 Animal attacks
噪音扰民 Noising disturbing residents life
破坏环境 Damage to the community environment


Have you seen any stray animals information or news on internet ?(e.g video that people saving them...)

有 / Yes
没有看过 / No

您觉得造成流浪动物的原因是什么? (多选题)

What do you think of the key factors that result in the prevalence of stray animals? (multiples choice)


饲主抛弃 Abandoning behaviourd by owners
丢失/被偷 Get lost
缺乏管理政策和法律约束Lack of the management policy and legal restraint
当地缺乏收容流浪动物的组织与场所Lack of local animal shelters and non-profit organisations to adopt and feed stray animals
 宠物繁育场Breeding in pet mills

您觉得如何可以减少流浪动物的产生? (多选题)

What're the methods you think that can reduce the emergence of stray animals? (multiples choice)

出台相关法条法规 To introduce relevant laws and regulations
普及饲养动物的知识 To popularise the knowledge of feeding animals
加强领养代替购买的意识和宣传 To strengthen the public awareness and promotions of adoption instead of purchase
加强自身条件考量 To strengthen the assessment of considerations of self-conditions


Have you ever help a stray animal before?

有 / Yes
没有 / No

具体通过什么渠道? 你信任你捐赠的组织或对象吗? 写下的你的答案

Which specific ways ? Do you trust the channel where you will make helps or donations to?

Please write down your answer


您对流浪动物的态度是? (多选题)

What's your attitude towards stray animals? (multiples choice)

喜爱 Love it
害怕(如担心具有攻击性等问题)Scared (If they are aggressive...)
排斥(如担心卫生等问题)Repellent(such as hygiene problem and bacteria... )


How do you get along well with stray animals to keep a harmonious relationship between human and stray animals in urban city? Please write down your answer


23题 | 被引用3次
