
What’s your major?您的专业是?
English major 英语专业
Other majors 非英语专业
How often do you use English Apps?您使用英语软件的频率是?
Every day. 每天
Sometimes. (3-5 days a week) 经常使用(每周三到五天)
Seldom. (less than 2 days a week. ) 很少使用(一周不超过两天)
What kinds of English Apps do you prefer to use? 您更偏向于使用哪(几)种英语软件?(可多选)
English Dictionary. 英语词典类
Apps for memorizing words. 记背单词类
Apps for listening. 听力类
Apps for speaking. 口语类
Apps for reading. 阅读类
Apps for writing. 写作类
Others 其他:
What are your purposes for using English-learning Apps? 您使用英语学习软件的目的是?(可多选)
For traveling. 旅游
For exams. 应付考试
For personal interest. 兴趣爱好
For studying abroad. 出国留学
To broaden horizon and gain knowledge. 拓宽视野,增长知识
To finish online tasks assigned by teachers. 完成老师布置的作业
Others 其他:
What are the advantages of the English-learning APPs you use?您所使用的英语学习APP具有哪些优点?(可多选)
Attractive interface and beautiful design. 界面好看,设计美观
Abundant resources/Ample learning content. 资源丰富/学习内容丰富
Various learning styles 学习样式多样
Simplicity of operation, convenience of using. 操作简单,使用方便
Free of charge/reasonable prices. 免费试用/收取费用合理
Multiple functions(meet multiple needs) 功能齐全(满足多种需求)
Less mobile data usage. 流量消耗少
Less cellphone (internal) storage. 内存占用少
Use without advertisements. 使用时无广告
Fast renewal/fast update内容更新快
 Why do you stop using an English-learning App?停止使用某英语学习App的原因(可多选)
Not authoritative definition. 释义不权威
Not the latest meaning. 内容更新慢
Too difficult or too easy. 难度过高或过低
Information absence. 信息缺失
Content untargeted. 内容无针对性
Too many advertisements. 广告植入过多
Easily disturbed by other Apps. 易受其他手机软件干扰
Incomplete functions. 功能不齐全
Complicated operation. 操作复杂
Charging money. 中途收费方可继续使用
Wasting data. 浪费流量
Better choices available. 有更好的选择
What functions do you wish English-learning APPs should own?您希望英语学习软件有什么功能?(可多选)
Games. 游戏
Timer. 计时器
Study room. 自习室
Study tutorial. 学习教程
Study schedule. 学习计划表
Checking in and sharing. 打卡分享
Handwriting recognition. 手写识别
Automatic planning review. 自动计划审查

7题 | 被引用3次
