
I will tell him as soon as he ____ back.【单选】
A. come
B. comes
C. will come
D. came
Mary ____ on the shoes.【单选】
A. tries
B. try
C. trying
Nobody ____ how to run this machines.【单选】
A . know
B. have known
C. knows
D. is knowing
-- _____ he ____ himself there?
-- No, I don't think so.【单选】
A. Do... enjoy
B. Does... enjoies
C. Does... enjoys
D. Does... enjoy
Look ! The boy students are _____ football while the girls are _____ .【单选】
A. playing... dance
B. playing... dancing
C. play... dancing
D. play... dance
 ____ your mother ____ some cleaning on Sundays.【单选】
A. Does... does
B. Do... does
C. Does... do
D. Do... do
We ____the floor and ____ all the windows.【单选】
A. mopped... cleanned
B. moped ...cleaned
C. mopped... cleaned
D. moped ...cleaned
Which teacher ____ lessons to you every day.【单选】
A. does gives
B. does give
C. do give
D. gives
We'll go to play with snow if it ____ tomorrow.【单选】
A. snow
B. snows
C. will snow
D. snowed
Tom was __(able) to ride a bike when he was five years old.
We have ____(discover) that he’s quite careless in his work.
____(especial), you should communicate with your parents when you are upset.
Did you ____(come) to Jim’s birthday party?
Yesterday Jim and his friends ____(fly) kites in the park.
 A reporter is ____(interview) Xiao Wang over there.
Jim ____(give) a gift to his friend just now.
It’s polite to stand in  ____(line).
He is always ____(nervously) when he meets a teacher on the way.
I want to keep many ____(pet) in my house in the future.

21题 | 被引用1371次
