
Dear parents:
        Kids' growth in kindergarten need your support and help. As a result, we held the "Opening Day to Parents" in order to let you know better about your kids. We hope you can have a more direct, more overall and deeper understanding of your kids' study and life in kindergarten. At the same time, in order to more effectively carry out pointed school work, we sincerely invite you to do below survey and fill in the form impartially and objectively. Thank you so much for your support and participation.
您的孩子所在班级Which class is your kid in?
活动中孩子的参与度Kids participation during activities
积极的 Positive
步入正轨的 On Track
有待提高 Improving
活动中孩子的倾听习惯Kids habit of listening during activities
优秀的 Excellent
步入正轨的 On Track
有待提高 Improving
活动中孩子的理解能力Kids ability of understanding during activities
优秀的 Excellent
步入正轨的 On Track
有待提高 Improving
活动中孩子的表达能力Kids ability of expression
优秀的 Excellent
步入正轨的 On Track
有待提高 Improving
您最关心孩子在园的哪些方面?What do you care about most?
身体状况 physique situation
学习内容 study content
习惯培养 habits development
生活情况 living situation
您对孩子所在班级环境的评价What are your comments on classroom environment?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对班级教师的师德师风、专业能力是否满意?Are you satisfied with the morality and professional ability of your head teacher?
幼儿老师 Chinese teachers ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
双语老师 Bilingual teachers ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
外 教 Foreign teachers ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
生活老师 Nursery teachers ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
您对班级的保育工作是否满意?(环境整洁、幼儿洗手、喝水、进餐、午睡、如厕等生活环节)Are you satisfied with the classes nursery work?(such as environment, and children wash their hands, drink water, have meals, sleep time, use the toilet, etc.)
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对班级教师家访工作是否满意?入园至今进行家访、电访沟通的次数有:(多选)Are you satisfied with the home visit by teachers in your childrens classes ?How many times of home visit you have through the entering kindergartens life?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
1次 once
2次以上 above twice
您对幼儿园的膳食质量是否满意?Are you satisfied with the quality of our kindergartens meals?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对幼儿园保健工作(晨检、服药、体检)是否满意?Are you satisfied with the health care work( including morning check, medicines giving, medical examination) of our kindergarten ?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对幼儿园的园务管理是否满意?(请您写下不满意的理由,以便我们可以及时调整)Are you satisfied with the kindergartens management?(Please write down the reasons and advices if you are not satisfied)
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
请留下您的意见Write your comments here
您对幼儿园环境卫生是否满意?Are you satisfied with environmental sanitation of kindergarten?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对幼儿园安全管理工作是否满意?Are you satisfied with the safety management of our kindergarten?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对幼儿园保安工作人员工作是否满意?Are you satisfied with the security staffs work of our kindergarten ?<br>
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
您对幼儿园的总体评价是否满意?Are you satisfied with the overall evaluation of our kindergarten?
满意 Satisfied
基本满意 Basically satisfied
不满意 Not satisfied
如您对幼儿园工作还有其他建议和意见,请您告诉我们。Please tell us if you have any suggestions and advice about our kindergartens work.
如您对幼儿园的某项工作比较认可,也请您留下对幼儿园和教师的赞赏,谢谢您!Please let us know if you have any other approvals of our work and teachers, thank you!

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