2022年春季学期航空航天学院本科课程领导听课评价表/Class Observation Form

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教师授课情况/Lecturers' Teaching
非常认同/Strongly Agree 较为认同/Quite Agree 一般认同/Agree 不认同/Disagree .非常不认同/Extremely Disagree
我觉得教师授课时精神状态饱满。/I think the lecturer is full of energy during the process of delivering.
我觉得教师授课时表达清晰。/I think the lecturer makes clear statements during the process of delivering.
我觉得教师熟练掌握教学内容。/I think the lecturer has already fully grasped on the teaching contents.
我觉得课堂上灵活采用与课程相适应的多种教学方式教学,包括启发式、讨论式、参与式和研究式等。/I think the lecturer makes flexible uses of the course in order to adapt to a variety of teaching methods, including heuristic, discussion, participation and research.
我觉得教师教学内容重点和难点突出。/I think that the lecturer highlights key-point of the teaching contents
我觉得任课教师有激发学生学习意愿的教学方法设计(好的教案)。/I think the lecturer has a teaching method designed to stimulate students willingness to learn(good syllabus).
我觉得教师授课时会关注学生的反应,能实时观察学生的行为来调节授课内容和授课方式等。/I think the lecturer would keep closed eyes on student’s reflections in order to adjust the teaching contents and teaching methods based on the observation of student’s behaviors.
学生听课情况/Students' attendance
B.较好/Quite Good
E.很差/Very Poor
该门课程任课教师授课综合评价等级/Comprehensive Evaluation Rank
B.较好/Quite Good
E.很差/Very Poor
我对该门课程授课教师的意见和建议/My comments and suggestions on the course
任课老师对专家意见的反馈/Teachers' feedback

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