01-1 Dadaism

1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A. To explain the historical conditions that inspired Dada artists
B. To discuss examples of Dada paintings and sculptures
C. To describe how Dada was presented theatrically
D. To show the influence of Dada on todays performing artists
2. Why does the professor mention a stool with a bicycle wheel mounted on top?
A. To give an example of what Dadaists were reacting against
B. To show something that Dadaists would consider beautiful
C. To illustrate how Dadaists rejected the traditional definition of art
D. To explain the Dadaists practice of creating sculptures from everyday objects
3. According to the professor, why did some Dadaists write poetry by pulling words out of a hat?
A. To reflect the randomness they saw in the world
B. To illustrate the connection between poetry performances and magic shows
C. To indicate that Dada should not be taken too seriously
D. To demonstrate that Dadaists did not need much formal training
4. What does the professor identify as aspects of a traditional play?  Click on 2 answers

A. Characters each have their own motivation.
B. A plot is developed.
C. The play consists of several acts.
D. Actors ignore the audience.
5. According to the professor, what contributed to the chaotic nature of the performances at the Cabaret Voltaire?

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A. There were no professional actors.
B. The script was torn up and allowed to fall to the floor during the performance.
C. Different art forms shared the same stage.
D. The performances varied from night to night.
6. Listen again to part of the Lecture. Then answer the question

Why does the professor say this:

A. He does not approve of all the aspects of the shows.
B. He does not think the events can be easily defined.
C. He does not consider the shows to be authentic Dada.
D. He does not know enough about the events to categorize them.

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