营养健康知识认知问卷Nutrition and health Knowledge survey

I am a grade five student. I am glad you will participate in this survey for resident’s knowledge on nutrition and health. Thank you for your support!
您的性别 Your gender
男 male
女 female
您的年龄 Your age
18岁以下 below 18 years old
18~30岁/years old
31~50岁/years old
50岁以上 above 50 years old
人每天平均该摄入多少盐? What is the average amount of salt people should eat every day?
最健康的烹饪方式是什么?(可多选)Which kind of cooking do you think is the healthiest? (Multiple choices)
爆炒 stir fry
清蒸 steam
煎 fry
烤 roast
水煮 boil
下面关于水果正确的是:The following choice correct is:
不是所有水果热量都很低 Not all fruit is low-calories
减肥水果能当饭吃 fruit can replace a meal when weight loss
水果榨汁能减肥 fruit juice can be use to lose weight
你觉得健康营养的饮食重要吗?Do you think balanced diet is important?
如果你被告知你要减肥,要不然会有生命危险,你会:If you were told you needed to lose weight, or you might get diseases, you will:
节食 strict diet
做高强度运动 do high-intensity sport/exercise
把没营养的饮食换成健康的饮食 Replace an unnutritious diet with a healthy diet

7题 | 被引用1次
