Y2019 TST Outing Registration

Spring blossoms, everything comes back to life. TST outing is upcoming again without our notice. We will continue to adhere last year's route design direction: to meet the needs of most employees. Please note the online registration is only open until May 30, so remember to reply us by email afterwards.

Dear colleagues, please choose your route and time period of interest, the exact date of each group will be defined by the detail flight, we will notice you about the date and arrangements after you select the time period. 

请选择您感兴趣的路线 please select your preferred route
三清山 Sanqing Mountain
北海 Beihai(extra RMB300)
烟台蓬莱 Yantai Penglai
丽江、泸沽湖 Lijiang Lugu Lake (extra RMB2,320)
选择时间 please select the time(丽江每团30人)
A 三清山 Sanqing Mountain: 6月中旬Mid June
A三清山 Sanqing Mountain: 7月上旬Early July
A 三清山 Sanqing Mountain: 9月上旬Early Sep
B 北海 Beihai: 5月中上旬 Early & Mid May
B 北海 Beihai: 6月中上旬 Early Mid June
B 北海 Beihai: 9月中上旬 Early Mid June
C 烟台蓬莱 Yantai Penglai: 6月中上旬 Early & Mid June
C 烟台蓬莱 Yantai Penglai: 9月中旬 Mid Sep
D 丽江、泸沽湖 Lijiang Lugu Lake: 5月中下旬 Mid Late May
D 丽江、泸沽湖 Lijiang Lugu Lake: 6月中旬Mid June
D 丽江、泸沽湖 Lijiang Lugu Lake: 9月中下旬MidLate Sep
请填写您的中文姓名 Please fill in your Chinese Name(每人只能提交一次,不可更改)

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