NAVLE(北美执业兽医考题)Day 725

单选题,正确答案是100分,非正确答案为0分,Good Luck!
You need to perform a CBC and take thoracic radiographs on a somewhat fractious cat. You sedate the cat with an intramuscular injection of medetomidine. While on the X-ray table, you become concerned that the cat is not doing well and you decide you want to reverse the effects of medetomidine. What should you give the cat?
A - Atropine 阿托品
B - 2-pralidoxime 解磷定
C - Flumazenil 氟马西尼
D - Xylazine 赛拉嗪
E - Atipamezole 阿替美唑

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