NAVLE(北美执业兽医考题)Day 518

单选题,正确答案是100分,非正确答案为0分,Good Luck!
Which one of the following choices includes the cardinal sign of trigeminal neuritis?
Find out the answer by clicking on one of the listed choices. Good luck!

A - Masseter muscle pain associated with chewing 咀嚼时的肌肉痛
B - Circling and head tilt toward side of lesion, no other signs 转圈和向病变侧的头部偏斜,除此外没有其他迹象
C - Dysphagia, dysphonia and stridor 吞咽困难,发音困难和喘鸣
D - Inability to close the mouth 没法闭嘴
E - Paralyzed eyelid, ear or lip on one or both sides of the face 眼睑、耳朵、嘴唇、一侧或双侧脸部瘫痪

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