NAVLE(北美执业兽医考题)Day 432

单选题,正确答案是100分,非正确答案为0分,Good Luck!
An 8-year-old dog is found recumbent and non-responsive in a horse pasture. His left pupil is small, the right one is moderately dilated but responds to light. The right upper eyelid and lip are droopy, hanging lower than normal. Head trauma is suspected. The mucous membranes are pale pink, capillary refill time is 1-2 seconds. T= 37.0°C , HR=56bpm, The respiratory rate and pattern are quite variable. He breathes fast and deep for 5-6 breaths, then more slowly and shallowly, then is apneic for 10 seconds. The pattern repeats over and over. What is this respiratory pattern?
一个8岁的狗被发现时躺在马场里,无意识。他的左瞳孔很小, 右边轻度扩大, 但对光线有反应。右上眼睑和唇下垂, 不正常地向下垂。怀疑头部外伤。其粘膜呈淡粉色, 毛细血管再充盈时间为1-2 秒。T = 37.0°C, HR=56bpm, 呼吸速率和模式相当多变。他首先有5-6次急促而深沉的呼吸, 然后更缓慢和浅, 然后窒息10秒。图案反复重复。这是什么呼吸模式?

A – Orthopnea 端坐呼吸
B - Cheyne-Stokes breathing 陈施二氏呼吸
C - Apneustic respiration pattern 间歇性深吸气
D - Agonal respiration 濒死呼吸
E - Kussmaul pattern 库斯莫呼吸

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