NAVLE(北美执业兽医考题)Day 417

单选题,正确答案是100分,非正确答案为0分,Good Luck!
A 5-year-old intact male Cocker Spaniel is presented with severe lower back pain. The dog is ambulatory but too fractious to examine reflexes or conscious proprioception. The dog is sedated and carefully lateral radiographs are made of the lumbar spine. The radiograph is shown below. What is your diagnosis?

A - Renal calculi 肾结石
B – Discospondylitis 椎间盘脊髓炎
C - Intervertebral disc disease 椎间盘疾病
D - Spinal fracture 脊椎骨折
E - Cauda equina syndrome 马尾综合征

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