NAVLE(北美执业兽医考题)Day 415

单选题,正确答案是100分,非正确答案为0分,Good Luck!
A five-month-old Yorkshire terrier is presented with ataxia in all four limbs and neck pain. There is loss of conscious proprioception in all four limbs. A radiograph of the cervical spine is shown below. Which one of the following choices is the most likely diagnosis?
A - Atlantoaxial instability 寰枢椎不稳
B - Caudal occipital malformation 尾枕畸形
C - Intervertebral disk disease 椎间盘疾病
D – Discospondylitis 椎间盘脊髓炎
E - Spina bifida 脊柱裂

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