​​​​​​​WORKSHOP 2

​​​​​​​Tapping the EU’s investor pool 

​​​​​​​I view asset management services as a growing and fee-earning business that is key to my service offering in China and in the world generally:

a. ​​​​​​​Yes, very much so
​​​​​​​b. To some extent yes but not number 1 priority
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​c. Not really
​​​​​​​d. Not applicable to my business

​​​​​​​As a financial actor in China (asset manager, bank etc.), does my company have plans to expand internationally in order to offer asset management services?

​​​​​​​a.No plans
b. Yes – to the EU27 – already done
c. Yes – to the EU – working on it
​​​​​​​d.Yes – but other geographic priorities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For those of you - financial actors in China who are already offering asset management services to investors in the EU27 or are considering doing so, what is your preferred strategy in terms of presence in the EU27?

​​​​​​​a. Establishing a subsidiary in at least one of the EU27 Member States
​​​​​​​b. Using the services of third parties - which in turn delegate portfolio management to my institution
c. ​​​​​​​Entering into a JV with a European actor in the EU27
d. Other solution

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