Ballot for D3 Area online Joint meeting

Please take 1 minute to vote the best, your feedback is vital to the speakers and the Toastmasters meeting quality. Thank you.
Best Functional Role
Timer - LV_Joyce
Ah-counter - LV_Hong Han
Grammarian - TR_Qiaogong Dong
Table Topics master - LV_Weihua
Toastmaster - TR_Sunny Zhou
Best Prepared Speaker
1st Prepared Speaker - LV_Alan Zhuang (Speech: How to kill peer pressure)
2nd Prepared Speaker - IBM_Blue (Speech: Intelligence of Crowd)
Best Table Topics Speaker
1st Speaker - TR_Chad
2nd Speaker - TR_Yao
3rd Speaker_BD_Huijuan
4th Speaker - IBM_Bill
Best Evaluator
Table Topic Evaluator - IBM_Lily
1st Speech Evaluator - BD_Huijuan (Sofi)
2nd Speech Evaluator - TR_Yao Huang
General Evaluator - IBM_Holly

3题 | 被引用0次
