Unit 5-5 B

1 孩子姓名
2 孩子勤猫班号
1Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text. 1channels 2probably 3leisure 4prepare 5commute 6believe 7program 8meal 9computer 10obviously 11surf 12mix
(1) What is your favorite evening TV_____?    ____________
(2)Too many people _____to work by car. The roads are very crowded.    ____________
(3) Do you know how to use a ____?    ____________
(4)How much ____time do you have each week?    ____________
(5)Why do people like to ____the Internet?    ____________
(6) ____she is very smart. She finished high school at age 14.    ____________
(7)Who ____ the meals in your family?    ____________
(8) What’s your favorite ____- breakfast, lunch, or dinner?     ____________
(9) How many ____ do you get on your TV?    ____________

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