Environmental protection

When you eat?您吃饭时
Never leftover meals 从不剩饭菜(3分)
Occasionally leftover meals 偶尔会剩饭菜(2分)
Frequent leftover meals 经常剩饭菜(1分)
You feel when you see someone else pouring 在食堂里看到别人把剩的饭菜倒进垃圾桶时,您感觉?
leftover meals into the trash in the cafeteria?
Doesn‘t matter.无所谓(1分)
Some waste.有些浪费(2分)
It hurts.很心疼(3分)
See the bathroom tap running water, you will?看到卫生间的水龙头在流水,您会?
Hurry up and tighten the faucet.赶紧把水龙头扭紧(3分)
The heart will condemn this behavior but think that it has nothing to do with itself.心里会谴责这种行为但认为与己无关(2分)
Don‘t care if you think water isn’t worth much.认为水不值多少钱,不用在意(1分)
When you're alone in the classroom, you'll leave ?当教室只有您一个人,您离开时会?
Will turn off the lights casually.会随手关灯(3分)
Often forget to turn off the lights.常常会忘记关灯(2分)
Never remembered to turn off the lights.从来想不起要关灯(1分)
If you want to buy a car at home, whether you want to save energy on the car?如家里要买车,您对车是否节能?
care a lot很在意(3分)
Be more concerned.比较在意(2分)
Doesn‘t matter.无所谓(1分)
The environmental pollution you cause to the exhaust of your car?您对汽车尾气造成的环境污染?
Very worried很担心(3分)
A little worried有点担心(2分)
Doesn‘t matter无所谓(1分)
When taking the bus, if the weather is lukewarm or lukewarm, you will?乘公共车时,如果天气不冷不热,您会?
It is recommended that the department turn off the air conditioner.建议司机关掉空调(3分)
Think turning on air conditioning is a waste of energy, but won‘t make recommendations.认为开空调是在浪费能源,但不会提建议。(2分)
Whatever it is, it doesn‘t matter to you.随便怎么样,不管自己的事(1分)
You're interested in the "throw away" (disposable product) practice您对“用了就扔”(一次性产品)这种做法
Doesn‘t matter无所谓(1分)
Do you think lifestyle changes are for protecting the environment?您认为改变生活方式对于保护生态环境
Very helpful.很有帮助(3分)
Some help.有些帮助(2分)
It won‘t work.不会起什么作用(1分)
请填写您的问题和建议Advice on building a green lifestyle for college students (you can write any ideas you have) .关于构建大学生绿色环保生活方式的建议      (您有任何想法都可写出)

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