高一50天搞定课标词汇01 B

Get Motivated!
I. Choose the proper translation for the word that you think should be put in the blank, and write down the English word with its proper form in the blank. A (括号内填大写 A-E)横线上注意要变化
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
填空5    ____________
填空6    ____________
填空7    ____________
填空8    ____________
填空9    ____________
填空10    ____________
I. Choose the proper translation for the word that you think should be put in the blank, and write down the English word with its proper form in the blank.B  括号内填大写 A-E)横线上注意要变化
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
填空5    ____________
填空6    ____________
填空7    ____________
填空8    ____________
填空9    ____________
填空10    ____________
Il. Write down the part of speech and the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.前面空填词性 名词n 及物动词vt 不及物 v 词组 phr
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
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填空6    ____________
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填空9    ____________
填空10    ____________
填空11    ____________
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填空13    ____________
填空14    ____________
填空15    ____________
填空16    ____________
填空17    ____________
填空18    ____________
填空19    ____________
填空20    ____________
Il. Write down the part of speech and the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.前面空填词性 名词n. 及物动词vt. 不及物 v. 词组 phr.
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
填空5    ____________
填空6    ____________
Il. Write down the part of speech and the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.前面空填词性 名词n. 及物动词vt. 不及物 v. 词组 phr.
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
Il. Write down the part of speech and the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.前面空填词性 名词n. 及物动词vt. 不及物 v. 词组 phr.
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
Ill. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(词性变化)
填空1    ____________
填空2    ____________
填空3    ____________
填空4    ____________
填空5    ____________
填空6    ____________
填空7    ____________
填空8    ____________
填空9    ____________
IV. Translate the following sentences.
1.缺乏学习意识是他在上周考试中失败的原因。(account)    ____________
2.到2035年,新能源汽车将能占汽车销量的百分之二十。(account)    ____________
3.绝不能任由困难打倒你,因为你永远不知道你离成功有多么近。(account)    ____________
4.他从没想到保护水资源的文化和社会因素也应被列入考虑范围内。(accout)    ____________
5.青年人很有必要学会对自己所做的事情负责。(absolutely)    ____________
6.如果不能独立找出提高学习效率的方法,你就很难取得令人满意的成绩。(achievement)    ____________
7.校园义卖活动不仅丰富了校园生活,还提高了学生们的组织活动能力。(addition)    ____________
8.如果沉溺于虚拟世界,你会感觉与周围世界脱节。(addict)    ____________
9.遍布城市每个角落的便利店满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt)    ____________
10.抑郁症,表现为情绪低落,甚至觉得人生没有意义,其实是一种情绪素乱(involve, actually)    ____________

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