Questionnaire on gender equality 关于男女平等问卷调查

1.What’s your gender?您的性别是?
2.What’s your opinion about“lady first”?您怎么看待”女士优先”?
It shows gender discrimination against women.对女性带有歧视色彩
It treats male unfairly.对男性蛮不公平的
3.Have you and your friends ever suffered from gender discrimination?If so,what’s the order of severity?您和身边的朋友遭受过性别歧视吗?如有,严重程度?
Not serious(just for joke).不太严重(如朋友之间开玩笑)
A bit serious(language attack).比较严重(如语言攻击)
Extremely serious(Physical conflict).非常严重(如肢体冲突)
4.Gender discrimination is attributed to what factors?您认为哪些因素导致性别歧视?
Traditional feudal ideas封建社会传统观念
Financial capacity经济能力
Physiological function生理功能
Psychological reasons心理原因
Other factors其他
5.In what aspects is equality between the sexes not fully achieved?您认为男女平等在哪些方面做的不够到位?
Opportunity for jobs.求职机会
Opportunity for education.受教育机会
Family status.家庭地位
Administration of justice.司法
Other aspects.其他
6.What options can promote equality between the sexes?您认为下列哪些选项对于促进男女平等是可取的?
The cultivation from schools of correct values.学校对正确价值观的培养
Good family education and family environment.良好的家庭教育和家庭环境
The improvement of national qualitythe popularization of national thought of equality between the sexes.国民素质的提高以及国民男女平等思想的普及
Correct guidance of mainstream media and network.主流媒体和网络的正确引导
Nation laws and regulations.国家制定相应的法律法规
7.How much will your gender make a difference to your job and life in the future?您觉得您的性别会对自己未来的工作和生活产生多大影响?
Definitely a lot.有一些影响
Basically no impact.基本没有影响
I’ve never considered about this.没有考虑过这个问题
8.Do you agree with the saying that "people must have a male child in order to inherit the family line"?您是否赞成“孩子中一定要有一位男性,这样才能传宗接代”的说法?
Yes,it is boys that carry on the family line.是,男生才能继承血脉
No,sexes make no difference to inherit the family line.否,顺其自然,男女都一样
It’s hard to say,but I hope to have a boy anyway.不赞成也不反对,但内心还是希望有男孩子
9.Who do most of the housework in your family,such as cooking,washing bowls and cleaning the rooms?在您的家庭中做饭,洗碗,打扫房间,这一系列家务一般都是谁来做?
We share it equally.男女做的一样多
10.Do you think gender roles are innate or formed by social factors (the influence of families,schools,social media,etc.)after birth?您认为社会性别角色是天生的,还是人在出生后被社会赋予的(比如大众媒介的耳濡目染、来自家庭、学校以及社会氛围的影响)?
Gender roles are innate.Boys and girls born different,and our society requires a clear gender role division.是天生的,男女生来不同,社会需要这样角色扮演。
Gender roles are not innate.Both boys and girls are characterized by social factors after birth.不是天生的,我们是后天社会化的过程中被“角色化的”
Gender roles are not innate,but there is need to form a clear gender role division.并不是天生的,但是有必要形成这样的“角色分工”意识
11.What’s your attitude towards equality between the sexes at present?您对目前性别平等状态怎么看?
Women suffer more from gender discrimination than men.女性受到歧视更严重
Men suffer more from gender discrimination than women.男性受到歧视更严重
Both men and women suffer from gender discrimination,but I am unable to judge which of them suffer more.两方都受到歧视,但无法判断哪方更严重
12.Most of the senior politicians and business figures are male.What’s your attitude towards this?世界上大多数政要及议员、企业高层职位等都被男性所占领,您对这种情况表示什么态度?
It’s common due to the reason that men are more competent than women.很正常,男性能力比女性强.
Women are also competent for the jobs.However,they are suffering from gender discrimination.女性同样有能力胜任,她们正在受到性别歧视
It’s a pity,for women have to face some irresistible factors,such as maternity leave and child care.表示遗憾,女性面临着一些不可抗拒的因素(如产假、照顾孩子等)
Women should enjoy certain privileges in terms of high-level positions, which should reach a ratio of 1:1.女性在进入高层职位时应享受一定特权,高层职位应该达到1:1的比例
13.Can you give a piece of advice on equality between the sexes?您对男女平等有何建议?

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