2022-精贝第三场160模拟考 英语机考

1. 答题时间为7分钟,超过时间未答系统自动交卷。

2. 每个同学仅有1次提交的机会,请谨慎提交

Part 1. Choose the best answer. 

语法选择。 2.5% (每题0.5分)

Nowadays high-performance security check equipment _______ dangerous items at airports.
A.used to finding
B.used to find
C.is used to finding
D.is used to find
It seems that the tickets of the musical "War Horse" __________ well.
B.are sold
C.are selling
D.have been sold
Diana told me that she __________ for various jobs in last few months.
B.has applied
C.had applied
D.would apply
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine __________ to Chinese Scientist Tu Youyou.
C.was awarded
D.was awarding
Jerry would rather__________ computer games than __________ his homework.
A.to play;to do
B.to pay;do
C.play;to do
Part 2. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 


2.5% (每题0.5分)

In class,the students listen to the teacher __________ the text. (explain)
Do you know the name of the song __________ by the singer? (sing)
Our teacher suggested __________ a party to celebrate New Year's Day. (give)
Two cars crashed into each other, __________ five passengers.(kill)
I'd like to have the package __________ (weigh).
Part 3. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

阅读选择4% (每题1分)

        Where Do Numbers Come From?

    One plus one equals two. There are 60 seconds in one minute. Sixty minutes equals one hour. There are 24 hours in one day. One year includes 365 days. These are all basic facts that we know by heart. But have you ever stopped to think how numbers came into being and how they developed?

    It's safe to say that our society would have never developed without numbers. However, the development of numbers is still a puzzle to us. That's because when ancient people developed simple ways of counting, they didn't leave any records behind.

   It's not difficult to guess that numbers and counting began with the number "1," though ancient people probably didn't call it “one.” They likely counted by ones and recorded by carving lines on a bone.

  The earliest evidence of this is the Ishango Bone(伊尚戈骨),which was found in 1960 in Africa. The bone is believed to be more than 20,000 years old. It has many lines on it. The lines look like what we would call "tally marks"today. Scientists think those lines show how ancient people used numbers.

According to the article, we still don't know __________.
A. the basic facts of numbers
B. where numbers come from
C. how to count with numbers
D. the importance of numbers
Why is the development of numbers a puzzle?
A. Because people today are not smart enough to find it out.
B. Because people today cant find any records of ancient ways of counting.
C. Because ancient people forgot to leave any records of their ways ofcounting.
D. Because ancient people didnt record their ways of counting at all.
Where was the Ishango Bone found?
A. In China.
B. In Africa.
C. In Egypt.
D. In India.
Which of the following statements is true according to the article?
A. The Ishango Bone was found 20,000 years ago.
B. There are many numbers on the Ishango Bone.
C. Numbers are important to a societys development.
D. Ancient people carved lines on the stones as a way of counting.

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