9B 형성평가 4A

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[영작/문법]아래 우리말에 맞게 단어를 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요.(띄어쓰기 잘 지키기^^)

그들의 대부분은 밤새도록 이곳에 도달하기 위해 3,776미터를 등반해온 지친 등산객은 태양이 그것의 황금 빛을 산 곳곳에 퍼트리는 것을 시작함에 따라 보기 위해 멈췄다.

Exhausted climbers, / have hiked / to reach this point, / stop / as / the sun / spreading / its gold / many of whom / through /  to watch   / the night  / the 3,776 meters /  begins / 

[어휘]Which of the following is the meaning of the word?
the failure to keep or to continue to have something
the time when the sun rises
a sudden event that causes great damage or suffering
the act of killing or greatly damaging something
the very top of a mountain
[영작] 다음 우리말에 맞게 영작하시오.

  *주의: 첫글자 대문자 지킬 것. 주어를 복수형태로 쓸 것

화산은 창조자이자 파괴자이다. (우리말 순서를 잘 지킬 것!)


[문법] 밑줄 친 부분 중 문법적으로 틀린 곳을 찾아 바른 표현으로 고치시오. 

바르게 고친 표현만 적으시오!!!!!! 

They can shape lands and cultures, but can also cause great destruction and loss of life. Two of the best known examples found at opposite ends of the world, on the Pacific Ring of Fire.
[독해]Which of the following is " NOT " true?

Mount Fuji is a sacred site. Japan's native religion, Shintoism, considers Fuji a holy place. Other people believe the mountain and its waters have the power to make a sick person well. For many, climbing Fuji is also a rite of passage. Some do it as part of a religious journey; for others, it is a test of strength. Whatever their reason, reaching the top in order to stand on Fuji's summit at sunrise is a must for many Japanese. Every July and August, hundreds of thousands attempt to do so.

Shintoism is a religion that originated in Japan.
Some climb Fuji to prove they are strong enough.
Fuji is considered one of Japan’s sacred mountains,
Fuji is famous for its waters to fight off the virus.
The mountain contributes to Japans cultural, and spiritual geography.
[문법] Write down a grammatically correct for the blank.

Fuji is more than a sacred site and tourist destination, however. It is also an active volcano _________ four million people have settled around, and it sits just 112 kilometers from the crowded streets of Tokyo. The last time Fuji erupted, in 1707, it sent out a cloud of ash that covered the capital city and darkened the skies for weeks.

[문법]다음 문장에서 밑줄 친 부분의 문장성분은 무엇인가?

According to Motoo Ukawa and his associates at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, there has been an increase in activity under Fuji recently.

[어휘] 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 표현의 의미를 잘 살린 영어단어를 적으세요. (힌트: e로 시작! 그 외에 단어는 인정하지 않음)

Today, new information has some volcanologists concerned that Fuji may soon erupt again. According to Motoo Ukawa and his associates at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, there has been an increase in activity under Fuji recently. This activity may be caused by low-frequency earthquakes. Understanding what causes these quakes may help scientists predict when Fuji will come back to life . _____________, locals living near Fuji hold special festivals each year to offer gifts to the goddess of the volcano—as they have for generations—so that she will not erupt and destroy the land and its people below.

[독해] 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

Today, new information has some volcanologists concerned that Fuji may soon erupt again. According to Motoo Ukawa and his associates at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, there has been an increase in activity under Fuji recently. This activity may be caused by low-frequency earthquakes. Understanding what causes these quakes may help scientists predict when Fuji will come back to life. ____________, locals living near Fuji hold special festivals each year to offer gifts to the goddess of the volcano—as they have for generations—so that she will not erupt and destroy the land and its people below.

For example
In the meantime
[독해] Which of the following is true?

Halfway across the globe from Fuji, Popocatépetl—one of the world's tallest and most dangerous active volcanoes—stands just 70 kilometers southeast of Mexico City. Although the volcano (whose name means "smoking mountain") has erupted many times over the centuries, scientists believe its last great eruption occurred around AD 820. In recent years, Popocatépetl is once again threatening the lives of the people near the mountain; in December 2000, almost 26,000 people were evacuated when El Popo—as Mexicans call the mountain—started to send out ash and smoke. As with all active volcanoes, the question is not if it will erupt again (an eruption is inevitable); the question is when it will happen.

Popocatépetl has erupted once since AD 820.
The word, Fuji has a meaning of smoking mountain.
Sceintists believe that we can prevent the eruption of a volcano.
The people living near Popocatépetl are destroying the forest to protect themselves.
More than 20,000 people left the area when Popocatépetl started to send out ash and smoke in 2000,
[문법] Which of the following is " NOT " grammatically correct?

“Every volcano works in a different way," explains Carlos Valdés González, a scientist who monitors El Popo. “What we're trying to learn here are the symptoms signaling [1]that El Popo will erupt." These include earthquakes, or any sign that the mountain's surface [2]is changing or expanding. The hope is that scientists will be able [3]to warn people in the surrounding areas so they have enough time to evacuate. A power eruption could displace over 20 million people-people [4]who lives can be saved if the warning [5]is delivered early enough.

[3]to warn
[5]is delivered
[독해/어휘] '버리다'의 의미를 가진 a로 시작하는 단어를 빈칸에 알맞은 형태로 변형하여 쓰시오. (스펠링 주의!)

For many people living near El Popo—especially, farmers—a____________ their land is unthinkable. As anyone who farms near a volcano knows, the world's richest soils are volcanic. They produce bananas and coffee in Central America, fine wines in California, and enormous amounts of rice in Indonesia.

[독해] 첫번째 문장 다음으로 이어질 순서대로 문장을 나열하시오. 

★Today, many people continue to see El Popo as their ancestors did.

[A]   According to ancient beliefs, à volcano can be a god, a mountain, and a human all at the same time.

[B]   To appease El Popo and to ensure rain and a good harvest, locals begin a cycle of ceremonies that starts in March and ends in August.

[C]   Carrying food and gifts for the volcano, they hike up the mountain.

[D]   Near the summit, they present their offerings, asking the volcano to protect and provide for one more season.

다음 영영풀이에 해당하는 단어를 영어로 쓰시오.

(adjective) certain to happen


다음 영영풀이에 해당하는 단어를 고르시오.

(noun) A member of your family who lived a long time ago


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