Variety Show - The Best Show Poll 英语日G5-9最佳节目投票

We're awarding the students who participated in English Day 2022 on Monday (May 30th). Please vote for the best three shows you like for our G5-9 Variety Show. They'll get special certificates.
Best Show 
1. How Far Ill go (Singing)

Elsa 金轩如, Fiona 陈彦君, Jessie 金轩意, Sophie 陈彦心

2. Monsters (Singing)

Hannah 朱思嘉, Annie 赵瑾瑜, Isabella 李尚洋, Aliana 范汪奕伽

3. Asian Games (Drama)

Evan 邢挥明, Lucas 邢致国, Ariel 陆卓尔

4. Jabberwocky (Storytelling)

George 庄子翊

5. Baseball (Speech)

Wonderful 王灏羽

6. Sports is where you get fun and confidence (Speech)

Chloe 吴佩珊

7. Everything (Dance)

Fish 金鱼

8. Three fights with White-Bone (Drama)

David 王颢谌, Yoyo 孙逸暄, Alisa 徐若容, Harry 程家军, Tony 石念平

9. Forrest Gump (Dubbing)

Sam 屠祉宁, Aier 吴睿哲, Bella 陈弥

10. Innocence (Singing)

Angela 祁子钰

11. New emperors new clothes (Drama)

Vivian 蔡姝含, Carl 陈卡尔, Incense 陈佳钰, Sandy 陶佳禧, Little P 王然, Arthur 王天予, Jay Jay 徐伯骏, Amy 张奕婧, Alice 徐旭辰

12. Domino (Singing)

Selene 杨未之

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