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A. 新兴部门从传统的工业部门吸引走资源而使传统工业部门出现萎缩
B. 自然资源出口增加获得更多外币,导致本币贬值
C. 新开发的自然资源所获得的意外收益造成传统工业部门的衰退
D. 自然资源出口增加获得更多外币,导致本币升值
A. 生产要素密集型逆转
B. 贸易壁垒
C. 技能和人力资本
D. 自然资源
A. 对
B. 错
A. 国际贸易使出口部门特定要素所有者获益
B. 国际贸易使进口竞争部门特定要素所有者受损
C. 国际贸易使流动性要素所有者受益
D. 特定要素的增长会增加本要素的总收益和流动性要素的收益
D. 生产要素价格的变动幅度会超过产品价格的变动幅度
A. 进口替代型经济增长指的是一国原来相对稀缺的要素增长,使该国的比较劣势减弱,进口减少。
D. 在产品相对价格不变的条件下,出口扩张型经济增长则使出口产品的生产增加,进口竞争产品的生产减少,总贸易量上升。
A. 瓦尔拉斯
B. 马歇尔
C. 俄林
D. 赫克歇尔
A. 机器、办公楼
B. 劳动
C. 劳动力的教育和培训
D. 交通和通讯工具
The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium model because it deals with:
A. two nations
B. two commodities
C. two factors of production
D. all of the above
The Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardian model of Comparative Advantage in that the former
A. has only two countries
B. has only two products
C. has two factors of production
D. has two production possibility frontiers (one for each country)
The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.
A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exports
B. imports are more K-intensive than exports
C. exports are more L-intensive than imports
D. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes
From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:
A. must be rejected
B. must be accepted without reservations
C. can be accepted while awaiting further testing
D. explains all international trade
For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be produced with:
A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factors
B. the same K/L ratio
C. technologically-fixed factor proportions
D. equal elasticity of substitution of factors
If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then trade between them is not likely if
A. their supply curves are identical
B. their cost functions are identical
C. their demand functions differ
D. their incomes are identical
Doubling the amount of L and K under constant returns to scale:
A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity
B. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodity
C. leaves the shape of the production frontier unchanged
D. all of the above.
Doubling only the amount of L available under constant returns to scale:
A. less than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity
B. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity
C. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodity
D. leaves the output of the K-intensive commodity unchanged

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