803 英文2000字彙必背書 U28~29考試

There is __ new restaurant near my home.
Susan lives in h__r own little apartment.
This is my aunt's dog. I__s name is Happy.
O__r school is near the park.
T__e dog under the desk is black.
T____s bicycle is mine .
I really enjoyed t_____r party. It was such good fun.
T____se (這些) are my notebooks.
Is y____r brother at home now?
T____se(那些) pencils are long.
Ask Mike w________r he can come or not.
W_____e do you live now?
W____n did you last see Nancy?
W_____t do you like to do?
H___w are you doing?
A: W__o is the tall girl at the door? B: That's my daughter.
W___y are you always late for school?
W_____h do you like better, baseball or tennis?
W______e(誰的) books are these?
I'll take care of your kids w_____e away.

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