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  • Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

    A. switching B. physical C. combined D. covered E. distract

    F. access G. exhausting H. technical I. illustrate J. adopt K. favored

    Today's students have a problem, and it is not the one written on the board. They were born into a world where algorithms(算法)keep them clicking, scrolling (滚屏) and swiping (刷屏) at a rapid pace. Technology, smartphones, social media, and immediate (31)____

    ___ to the internet are hurting their ability to focus and changing the way they think.

    Now teachers have a problem too. They find it particularly (32)_

    ______ to ask students to read complex or long texts without taking regular breaks. Smartphones have clearly affected the younger generation, but how education should evolve for digital-native students was not something that was (33)___
    ____ when they were getting certified.

    A common thread among teachers is that short is good. When students can’t seem to pay attention to long lectures, many teachers simply hack lessons into smaller chunks(模块). In fact, students need time to engage with a topic once the teacher introduces it before moving on. (34)___

    ____ between small lessons too quickly could rob them of valuable comprehension.

    A 2018 study from educational publisher Pearson found that students aged between 10 and 24 tend to stay away from (35)__

    _____ books. They prefer video as a source of information second only to teachers. Therefore, some tech-forward teachers choose to “meet kids where they are” on platforms such as You Tube and Instagram. Asha Choksi, vice-president of global research at Pearson, gives the example of a teacher who films himself performing a science experiment and posts it to You Tube. When it is time for class, he uses the video to (36)____
    ___ material in the textbook, which can seem boring to students.

    Still, while those educators are embracing technology in the classroom to meet students’ needs, they are also finding value in traditional methods, and so suggest a “(37)_____

    __ learning” approach. Direct instruction from them will never be replaced in their classes. Technology will be (38)____
    ___ only when it improves a lesson in ways that are impossible offline.

    Digital natives will continue to eagerly (39)___

    ____ new media. Teachers have no choice but to evolve. They are making an effort not only to ensure that students can take advantage of new technologies, but to teach students valuable skills that can help them succeed in a world constantly trying to (40)___
    ____ them. Think of the Zuckerbergs, the Gates, the Jobs and all those pioneers in the tech world. They became successful not because they could code; it was because they could think

  • A.A.A
  • B.B.B
  • C.C.C
  • D.D.D
  • E.E.E
  • F.F.F
  • G.G.G
  • H.H.H
  • I.I.I
  • J.J.J
  • K.K.K

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