Teacher’s Summer Café 2022

This is a Cambridge community event aiming to foster peer learning and best practice sharing.

The Café will meet two hours per week for 4 weeks in July and August. Each week there will be an educational topic or question. Mr Chris Nash will give an online introduction to the topic and then offer a number of discussion questions. There will be encouragement and support for any colleague who would like to lead an input session for the group.

Topic & time (all timings below are GMT+8 Beijing time):

2:00-4:00 pm on 14 July 2022: Improving the motivation and participation of students.

2:00-4:00 pm on 21 July 2022: Maximising learning in bilingual classrooms.

2:00-4:00 pm on 28 July 2022: Using assessment for learning to improve learning.

2:00-4:00 pm on 4 August 2022: The benefits of the Spiral Curriculum and Mastery Learning.

Language: English

Format: Online workshop using Tencent Meeting. Joining guidance will be provided after successful registration. 

Fee: Attendance is free of charge.

Targeted audience: All Cambridge school teachers at IGCSE or A Level, not limited to subject areas 

Booking deadline: 10 July 2022

Number of participants: To ensure high quality interaction, the total number of participants is limited to 20.

Certificate: A certificate of participation will be issued to participants who attend at least 75% of the workshop. 

First come, first served. Successful registration is subject to confirmation by email. 

Email address
School Name
Please add any questions you would like to ask pre-event

**By submitting the registration form, you are granting permission for to Cambridge Assessment International Education to distribute the video recording of this webinar for website (including intranet and internet), social media feeds and for marketing and communication purposes.

I grant permission for to Cambridge Assessment International Education to distribute the video recording of this webinar for website (including intranet and internet), social media feeds and for marketing and communication purposes.

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