Questionnaire About Future Career Planning of College students

Dear schoolmates,

       We are students from North China Electric Power University.We created this questionnaire to better understand today's college students and their plans for the future.This questionnaire lists our views about college students.We also hope that this will be of some help to college students.You don’t need to fill in your name,just answer questions,and we will collect data for research.Here,we prepared some questions about your major,your future plan and your ideal job.Please be honest and true to yourself when answering the questions. Your answer will be a great help to us.
      I sincerely appreciate your participation.We wish you every success in your studies and the future.
- Male
- Female
3.What is your major?
4.(Multi-select)The major you have chosen in the college is based on
- Personal interest
- Employment prospects
- Family or others influence
- High salary and treatment
- Others
5.Do you know what's the relationship between your career and major?
-Close relationship
-No contact
6.Are you proud of yourself?
-Yes,I ‘m proud of myself.
-No,I don’t feel that way.
7.Do you know exactly your strengths and weaknesses?
- Yes
- No
8.Do you know your own personality?
- Yes
- Generally
- No
9.What are you going to do after graduation?
-I don’t know yet.
-I’m going to be a graduate student.
-I’m going to take the civil service exam.
-I’m going to work in an enterprise.
-I’m going to stay in school as a teacher.
10.In future,will your parents support your career plan?
-Yes,they will support me.
-No,they just want me to get a stable job.
11.If you plan to become a graduate student, will you continue to study your current major?
-I’m not going to be a graduate student.
12(Multi-select)The training you want to obtain from the school
-Scientific career planning and career orientation
-Job hunting, interview, etiquette and other related skills
-Psychological knowledge and ability (improve psychological tolerance, anti-pressure ability ,etc.)
-Organization and coordination ability
-Interpersonal communication ability
-Potential development
-Practice opportunities
-Professional knowledge
13.Have you ever taken a career interest self-directed search(John Holland,etc.)
- Yes
- No
14.The idea you have of your own career now
- Short-term goal(Within three years)
- Medium-term goal(3-5 years)
- Long-term goal(5-10years)
- Life goal
- I don’t have a goal right now
15.What do you value most when choosing a career?
-Value created by this job.
-I don’t care.
16.What do you think is the most important thing about a job seeker?
-Academic record
-Work experience
-Human comprehensive quality
-Family background and interpersonal relationship
17.What is your attitude towards your future development and career?
-Full of hope,I’m sure I can succeed!
-I’m not sure,maybe!
-I think the probability of success is not high,it’s difficult for me.
18.How do you feel about the current employment situation?
Thank you for participation.If you have any question,please call us,our phone number is **********.

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