2단원 Biochemistry Test

8번 이여솔입니다
3、Which of the following is incorrect with the cell’s certain characteristic? (20점)
(A) Cells are all enclosed by a protective and selective barrier called a plasma membrane.
(B) Cells all contain a fluid substance called cytosol in which subcellular components are suspended.
(C) Cytosol is where subcellular components are suspended.
All cells contain ribosomes and genetic material in the form of DNA.
4、Which of the following is incorrect regarding the comparison of cell types?
(A) Eukaryotes Contain distinct membrane-bound organelles, yet Prokaryotes contain no internal membranes: no nuclear membrane, ER, mitochondria, vacuoles, or other organelles.
(B) Prokaryotes cells are very small: 1–10 µm, while Eukaryotes cells are larger: 10–100 µm.
(C) Eukaryotes ribosomes are very small, while Prokaryotes ribosomes are larger.
(D) Prokaryotes metabolism is anaerobic or aerobic, and Eukaryotes metabolism is aerobic
A major theme in biology (and therefore a common free-response question topic) is that function dictates form and vice versa. As a result, one would expect that all cells do not look alike. And they do not. The nerve cell, whose purpose is to send electrical impulses, is long and spindly. Cells that store fat are rounded, large, and distended. Cells that make up a tough peach pit resemble square building blocks. (20점)
Read the paragraph, then infer and pick the nerve cell
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
6, Which of the following is correct regarding of Ribosome?
(A) Ribosomes cannot be found freely suspended in the cytosol or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum.
(B) Ribosomes are considered organelles.
(C) Ribosomes are membrane-bound.
(D) Ribosomes are protein factories.
7、Facilitated diffusion requires a hydrophilic protein channel that will speed up the passive transport of specific substances across the membrane. One type of channel transports single ions. Which of the following is not the example of the highlighted sentence? (20점)
(A) Na+
(B) K+
(C) NH3-
(D) Ca2+
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