The cell

What is wrong with this diagram of a plant cell? 
Plants cells do not contain mitochondria
The nucleus and the chloroplast have been labelled the wrong way round
The cell wall and the nucleus have been incorrectly laballed
Which structures are found in all types of cell? 
Cell membranescell wall
Cell walls and ribosomes
Ribosomes and cell membranes
Using the experimental results, describe the pathway that secretory proteins take from their synthesis to their release from the cell. (실험 결과는 따로 사진으로 첨부) 
Which of the following statements is correct about apotosis?
It is an important part of normal embryonic development
The signals that trigger the process always come from outside
The process of apoptosis has only been indetified in advanced animals, such as tadpoles
Which of the following requires ATP?
the uptake of cholestrerol by a cell
The facilitated diffusion of glucose into a cell
Countercurrent exchange
The diffusion of oxygen into a fish’s gills

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