人际动力学调研作业 Interpersonal dynamics research assignment

Dear friends, thank you for your precious time to complete a few questions. This survey is only for information collection and academic exchange. All your answers will be anonymous. That means you can diss me as well as praise me, and no one will know who you are. Aha ha ha ha!
Please answer all questions truthfully and objectively. I will read and use your words carefully and actively. Thank you for your support!
如果想让我知道您是谁,请写下您的名字或微信名,也可以不填。 If you want me to know who you are, please write down your name or wechat name, or leave it blank.
我们是什么渠道成为的朋友?Through what channel did we become friends?
同行 trade
健身活动 Fitness activities
网友 net friend
同学 classmate
社交活动 Pink tea
读书会 Reading group
网球 tennis
健身房 Gym
飞盘 frisbee 飞盘
其他 other
我们认识的时长是?How long have we known each other?
0–3个月 months
1–3年 years
3–5年years 3–5年
15年及以上years or above
我们是否见过面?Have we met before?
见过1–3次 见过1–3次/1–3Times
见过3次以上/More than 3 times
经常见/Often see
其他 Other
对我的观察是?你的感受是?(最好有具体的事例)What are the observations about me? How do you feel? (It's better to have concrete examples)
对我的评价是?(如果选择3–6个词语或短句来形容我,你会想到什么?)What is the evaluation of me?( If you could choose three to six words to describe me, what would come to mind?)
你对我的印象和评价主要来自于?Where do your impressions and evaluations of me come from?
线下接触 Offline contact
共同经历的事 Things we've been through together
朋友圈、短视频账号等 Moments, short video accounts, etc
从别人口中 Listen to other people say
线上单线互动或群聊 Online interaction or group chat
其他 Other
这些问题对您来说需要很多思考还是轻松回答?为什么?Do these questions require a lot of thought or are they easy for you to answer? Why?
您理想中的“人际关系”是什么样的? What is your ideal "relationship"?
这个调查问卷是否带给您新的思考?任何方面的。(可不填) Does this questionnaire give you new ideas? In any way. (Or Leave blank)

10题 | 被引用0次
