合规培训Compliance Training

本次培训目标明确The purpose ofthe training is specific.
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
第二部分 - 讲师自身:Part 2 - Instructor:
讲师备课充分The instructor is well prepared for the class
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
培训内容对工作具有帮助及指导作用Training content is derective and helpful to your daily work.
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
该培训最有价值之处The most valuable contents