Jason Gu - Employee Peformance Evaluation

ResourcefulnessBeing resourceful and capable of dealing with difficult situations, always trying to find solutions. Independently work with colleagues.足智多谋,积极思考,在面对困难局面或者挑战时总是想办法找到解决办法,具有独立思考能力。
Continuous ImprovementStriving to always improve him/herself in any professional aspects.努力在专业领域中不断提高自己的工作能力。
EfficiencyWork task completion and speed of delivery in an orderly manner.在保证工作任务的完成效率及交付速度同时能按事情的轻重缓急有序进行。
Team WorkTeam work spirit and cooperation with other teams.内部团队精神及与他人(部门)工作配合情况。