HERA 2019 screening - Sustainability Governance

Stock Code
Other standards and initiatives
UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)
CDP [Carbon Disclosure Project]
SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals]
No mention
Materiality Assessment
Identified a list of material topics
Description of process of materiality assessment
Describe criteria for the selection of material ESG factors
Conducted materiality assessment but no mention of the above
No mention of materiality assessment
Did the report mention which body is managing the sustainability/ ESG governance of the company?
Yes - Sustainability/ ESG/ CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] bodies, e.g. committee, working group
Yes - EHS [Environmental, Health Safety] Committee
Yes - Various departments
No mention
Did the report mention the Boards oversight of ESG issues?
Yes - the Board oversees ESG issues
No – the Board does not involve into/take the lead on ESG management
No mention whether the Board involved/taken the lead on ESG management