Webinar LN 0528 Mingshi Intro to Online

Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I don’t feel the concepts, ideas or activities applicable in my class.我感觉这些概念、方法或者活动都无法应用到我的课堂中
The ideas and activities are interesting, but only a few are applicable in my class.我认为这些方法和活动很有趣,但是只有很少数能应用到我的课堂中去。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are useful and I might employ some of them in my class.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动是有用的,我可能会在我的课堂上使用其中的一些。
I feel the concepts, ideas and activities are inspiring and practical and I will definitely employ a lot of them in my class.我觉得这些概念、想法和活动很有启发性,很实用,我肯定会在我的课堂上多多应用。
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
I don’t feel the webinar has clear aims.我感觉培训目标不清晰
The webinar has clear aims but I feel only one of them has been achieved.培训的目标很清晰,但是我感觉只达成了其中一个目标。
The webinar has clear aims and I feel most of them have been achieved.培训有非常清晰的目标,并且我感觉大部分都完成。
The aims of the webinar are very clear and well achieved.培训的目标非常清晰,且全部达成
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
The amount of information was overwhelming and I did not have time to process everything培训信息量太大,我没有时间去思考所有要点
The amount of information was large and I struggled to keep up with everything.培训的信息量比较大,我感到跟上节奏有些吃力
The amount of information was appropriate and I could master a lot of the content after the webinar.培训信息量适当,培训后我能掌握很多内容
The amount of information suits me perfectly and I could master most of the content after the webinar培训的信息量很适合我,培训后我能掌握大部分内容
Please choose the most appropriate statement.请选择对您来说最恰当的陈述。
The broadcast was hard to watch because of the constant disruption课程几乎无法观看,总是会有不流畅的情况
There was frequent disruption to the broadcast课程播放课程中经常会不流畅
There was some infrequent disruption to the feed课程播放偶尔会出现不流畅
There was no problem with the feed during the entire webinar整个播放过程中很流畅,没有问题
How many students do you teach in total? 您总共要给多少名学生上课?