Conrad 7.18-19The 7 Habits for Managers《高效能经理的七个习惯》Pre-Survey 课前问卷

Number of People You Supervise / 您所管辖职员的人数
What specific challenges do I face in my role as a manager that excite me the most (e.g., initiatives,projects, goals, relationships I’m working on)?在目前的经理工作岗位上,什么样的管理挑战是让我最感兴奋的?(例如:提议、项目、目标、工作中的人际关系)
Where could my team specifically improve its performance?我的团队在哪些方面能提高绩效?
Who on my team needs to be listened to? Who needs to get some constructive feedback from me?在我的团队中谁需要被倾听?谁需要得到来自我的一些建设性的反馈意见?
Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your organization? 您认为我们应该了解您和您企业的其他什么情况?