
What are your two significant accomplishments in the past 2 months (work, family, personal, community, etc.)从入职到现在,您个人两个最大的成就是什么?
Whatare the greatest obstacles to your organizations growth and properity in the next 24 months?在未来两年里阻碍您企业发展和前景的两个最大障碍是什么?(如暂无想法,本题可不填)
The greatest ongoing strength of yourorganization, and greatest area for improvement?目前,您所在团队/部门的优势和需要改进的地方是什么?
What expectations do you have regarding the work session? 您对本次培训有何期望?
Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your organization? 您认为我们应该了解您和您团队的其他什么情况?