福建移动龙岩冠豸山 7.17-18(3班)The 7 Habits for Managers《高效能经理的七个习惯》Pre-Survey 课前问卷

Title of Person You Report to / 您上级的职位
Email / 邮箱
What specific challenges do I face in my role as a manager that excite me the most (e.g., initiatives,projects, goals, relationships I’m working on)?在目前的经理工作岗位上,什么样的管理挑战是让我最感兴奋的?(例如:提议、项目、目标、工作中的人际关系)
Where could my team specifically improve its performance?我的团队在哪些方面能提高绩效?
What expectations do you have regarding the work session? 您对本次培训有何期望?