
4. What do you think of Kipper?
A. He is naughty. (淘气的)
B. He is kind.
C. He is helpful.
7. Choose the right answer.
In the passage, letter “u” has two sounds. They are all long u sounds.(这篇文章中出现的字母”u”有两种发音,都是长元音U的发音。)
In this passage, “u” says its letter sound. (这篇文章中字母“u”都发字母音。)
8. What was the fruit used for at last?
A. The mule used the fruit for juice.
B. The mule threw away 扔掉all the fruit.
C. The mule ate吃掉 the fruit cubes.
Questions for “Welcome Back,Butterflies”