G9 week15 周课后测

一、阅读理解 You might not pay much attention to whether the things you say on WeChat and other online messaging apps are recorded. But a regulation (规定) that went into effect on May 1 will make everything you say online usable against you in a court of law (法庭).According to the Supreme People’s Court’s regulation, text messages, emails, and content posted on websites or instant (即时的) messaging platforms can be used as evidence (证据) in civil lawsuits (民事诉讼).The idea of digital evidence was first introduced as part of China’s Civil Procedure Law in 2012. However, the recent regulation has made it clearer.“This is the first time the Supreme People’s Court has clarified (阐明) the scope of digital evidence, especially on social media platforms and instant messaging services,” Li Ya, a lawyer in Beijing, told China Daily.The regulation was introduced to keep up with changes in social development. Social media activity has become a part of most people’s lives. Therefore, digital evidence is playing an increasingly important role in civil and criminal lawsuits.According to the regulation, if people plan to use digital evidence in a lawsuit, they have to first prove that they use the app or website that the evidence comes from. Second, they must provide an original (原始的) and complete record of the evidence. For example, if you lend somebody money through WeChat, you must keep the original transfer (转账) records and conversations on the app.However, there are still questions about the regulation. Some point out that the regulation will not necessarily help in every case. “How to make sure a microblog was actually posted by the micro blogger is a challenge,” Li said.1.When was digital evidence first introduced as part of China’s Civil Procedure Law?
A. in 1978
B. in 2012
C.in 2020
D.in 2019
4. What does the sixth paragraph mainly tell us______.
A. what digital evidence is in a lawsuit .
B. how to use digital evidence in a lawsuit .
C. how to use apps or websites.
D. when to use digital evidence in a lawsuit.
二、阅读理解 Thousands of years ago, Chinese poet Qu Yuan (about 340–278 BC) wrote the poem Tianwen, meaning Quest for Heavenly Truth. He came up with a series of questions about the sky, stars, nature, myths and the world around us. The poem showed his doubts about traditional ideas and the spirit of finding the truth. Inspired by the great poet, China has named its upcoming series of planetary exploration missions (行星探测任务) after the poem. The first one in the series – a Mars exploration mission – has been named Tianwen 1, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on April 24, China’s Space Day. This shows China’s desire (渴望) to explore the universe and discover its secrets. China has been making great progress in space exploration. As early as 1970, China launched its first man-made Earth satellite (卫星), becoming the fifth country in the world to launch a man-made satellite independently. Since 2003, China has carried out six Shenzhou manned missions and launched two space labs into Earth’s orbit (轨道). China’s moon exploration missions - the Chang’e series – started in 2007. In December 2018, China became the first country to send the probe (探测器) Chang’e 4 to the moon’s far side, which always faces away from Earth. The Tianwen series will follow the Shenzhou and Chang’e series and move further into space. The first step is to launch a Mars probe this year, which will mark the start of China’s exploration of the Red Planet. The probe is expected to orbit (绕......轨道运行), land on and explore Mars in one mission. If it succeeds, it will be the first to complete all of these tasks in one mission. The Long March 5 rocket will send the probe to Mars. It will take seven months to reach the planet and land. After this mission, China plans to visit Mars again in 2028, aiming to collect soil from the surface of the planet and bring it to Earth. Around 2030, China will explore Jupiter and several asteroids (小行星), according to CNSA.1. What do we know about the Mars exploration mission?
A. China will launch a Mars probe named Long March 5.
B. It will be the first mission of the Tianwen series.
C. China will launch the probe on Space Day.
D. The probe will be launched on a rocket built by another country.