Leading at the Speed of Trust 信任的速度 广州公开课10月28-29日 Warm-Up Pre-Survey 课前热身与问卷

Number of People You Supervise / 您所管辖职员的人数
Give the three reasons that you can be trusted.你可以被信任的3点理由?
Think of a high-trust relationship you have, describe what this person does to build trust.思考一个有较高信任的人际关系,描述此人有哪些行为增加了你对他的信任?
What is your outstanding advantage in building the interpersonal relationship? What can be improved?在人际互动过程中,你个人突出的优点是什么?目前需要改进的是什么?
Which brands do you trust? Why?你信任哪些品牌?为什么?