
8、【教师】您对本课程模块中教授的内容有多大信心?How strong is your confidence in content taught by faculty in this course module? (单选题 *必答)
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10、【教师】老师布置作业并及时检查作业了吗?Does the facutly arrange homework and check the homework in time? (单选题 *必答)
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18、【助教】助教会监督并跟进学生以确保上课吗?Does the mentor monitor and follow up students to ensure attendance in classes ? (单选题 *必答)
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23、【助教】助教会及时帮你收集和反馈网课中遇到的问题并协调老师帮助解决这些问题吗?Does the mentor collect problems encountered in the online course on time share with faculty to help clear doubts? (单选题 *必答)
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25、【建议或意见】写下您的建议或意见,如果评分少于4分需说明缘由(请用英语录入)SUGGESTIONS/OTHER COMMENTS(Please write in English) (填空题 *必答)