Digital Market Research for Chanel Cosmetics香奈儿彩妆的数字市场调查

Are you buying online or in-store?请问您是线上购买或是实体店购买?
Online 线上
In-store 实体店
Both 都有
Have you ever heard of Chanels customer loyalty program?请问您曾否听闻香奈儿的客户忠诚度计划?
Yes 有
No 无
If the Chanel were to develop such an app, what features would you like to have? (multiple choice)若Chanel品牌研发此类app,您希望有哪些功能?(多选)
real-time translation实时翻译
Browse products online在线浏览商品
Introduction for each product有每样商品的款式介绍
Order online在线自主下单
Makeup Online Simulation Trial彩妆在线模拟试用
Others其他 请补充
Why are you willing to buy online? (Multiple choice)您愿意在线上购物的原因?(多选)
More discount线上购物折扣力度大
Quick and easy to access all products方便快速浏览所有商品
Order my own,dont need to wait in line自主下单,不必排队等待
No worries about returns and after-sales service不担心退换货及售后服务
Others其他 请补充
What are your reasons for choosing to buy local luxury goods? (Multiple choice)您选择购买当地奢侈品的原因是?(多选)
Better quality质量更好
Tax refunds可以退税
Surrogate Shopping替其他人购买
More freedom of choice喜欢就买,不喜欢就不买
Others其他 请补充