Digital Market Research for Chanel Cosmetics香奈儿彩妆的数字市场调查

What is your age?请问您的年龄?
Do you feel that your shopping experience has been affected or even abandoned due to language barriers?请问您是否觉得由于语言不通影响了您的购物体验,甚至放弃购买行为?
Yes, sometimes是,有所影响
Yes, very much是,严重影响
No, not much否,不太影响
Did you enjoy your shopping experience at Chanel?请问您对在香奈儿的购物体验是否满意?
Yes 满意
Not impressed 一般
No 不满意
Do you prefer to buy Chanel products online or in-store?对于购买香奈儿产品,您更愿意在线上购买还是实体店购买?
In-store 实体店购买
Online 线上购买
Why are you willing to buy in-store? (Multiple choice)您愿意在实体店购买的原因?(多选)
Enjoy Chanel services想体验香奈儿服务
Want to see physical merchandise on display想看到实体商品展示
Want to try products想试用产品
Unwillingness to wait for online shipping times不愿等待网购运送时间
Others其他 请补充